The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

Upcoming Oatmeal Events

A quick update about some upcoming trips I've got.

Upcoming Oatmeal Events

Posted September 8, 2010

I've updated my events page with some upcoming trips I've got planned. I'm flying tomorrow to Dublin for Funconf, and although the conference is only two days I'll be in Ireland for about a week, so if any of my Irish fans want to meet up for coffee and/or booze, feel free to shoot me an email: --email removed--

After that I'll be in New York on Thursday, September 30th with Allie Brosh from Hyperbole and a half, and Baratunde Thurston from The Onion.

More trips are on the events page, and I'm also doing my book tour next year which should include a bunch of major cities. I'll put those on there as soon as I know the details.

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