The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

We need to have a conversation about wombats

This comic is about a lot of things, but mostly it is about butts.

P.S. Like Wombats? You should go learn Hand-To-Hand Wombat

An important note

If you've read this far, it's safe to assume you are a fan of wombats. If not, here's a photo:
Photo By JJ Harrison ( - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

If you're still not a fan after seeing this photo, then you have no soul and I encourage you to go take a long look at your life choices.

If you are a fan, however, here's the thing: wombats are critically endangered. The Northern Hairy-nosed wombat is considered one of the rarest mammals in the world -- there are only 80 of them left. If you can, please donate or follow any of these organizations. I personally donated $10,000 to help kick things off.
The Wombat Protection Society of Australia
Sleepy Burrows Wombat Sanctuary
Wombat Awareness Organisation
Cedar Creek Wombat Rescue Inc. & Hospital
If you're unable to donate, please share this comic to help spread the word about these incredible marsupials with incredible buttocks.

Hugs, kisses, and weaponized HamSlammers,

-Matthew Inman

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